Ian Before and After Scoliosis Treatment

Earlier this year, the Scoliosis SOS Clinic helped 16-year-old Ian from Ghana to overcome his 50-degree scoliosis.

Ian's spine began to develop a curve when he was 12 years old. As he grew, the curvature got bigger and bigger; when Ian's mother noticed the condition of his spine, she became worried and sent Ian for some X-rays, which led to a scoliosis diagnosis.

This came as a shock to Ian, who hadn't even heard of scoliosis before, but he did some research and began to learn more about his condition and the treatments available. Unfortunately for Ian, the treatment options in Ghana were limited, but a friend of his mother recommended the Scoliosis SOS Clinic in London. Soon after, Ian left Ghana for the first time and came to the UK for a 4-week treatment course to help correct the curve in his spine.

Ian faced some difficulties at the start of his treatment programme due to him being shy and sensitive about his condition. As time went by, however, Ian became much more comfortable, and by the end of the course he felt a lot more confident when showing his back and spine. Ian found our corrective exercises quite challenging at first, but as time passed, he became used to the exercises and was soon able to perform them without any problems. Throughout this whole process, Ian became more confident not just in the way he felt about his body, but also in a social sense, making lots of new friends from different parts of the world.

Ian described the Scoliosis SOS therapists as "really encouraging" throughout his treatment course, helping him to get to know his body better and gain a greater understanding of his condition. To anybody else suffering from scoliosis, Ian recommends visiting the Scoliosis SOS Clinic to receive the same guidance and treatment that he had.

Watch the video below for a full account of Ian’s story and to see how Scoliosis SOS were able to help him.

If you have any questions about the Scoliosis SOS Clinic, or if you would like to book an initial consultation with us, please click the link below!

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Scoliosis SOS Patient Max, 60 Years Old

Max Thompson was diagnosed with scoliosis when he was still in his teens, but he wasn't offered any advice or treatment at the time. Here's how he tells it:

"I didn't know what 'scoiliosis' meant - it was a strange word I'd never heard before - and no treatment was offered by the NHS. So I thought, 'well, I'll just carry on'."

While Max - now 60 years old - hasn't suffered any severe symptoms from his condition and has kept himself very fit over the years, during his initial consultation with Scoliosis SOS, he compared the sensation of having a curved spine to "wearing a jumper that's two sizes too small". He also mentioned that he frequently felt stiff and inflexible, especially across his lower back.

Prior to coming here for treatment, Max was already doing core-strengthening exercises, plus swimming and cycling most days.


Treatment Results

Following his 4-week ScolioGold treatment course, Max has achieved significant reductions in kyphosis, coupled with better head position and posture. His thoracic (upper spine) rotation decreased by nearly 20%, while his lumbar (lower spine) rotation is completely gone, meaning that he is no longer classified as being hyperlordotic!

On seeing his before and after photographs (above), Max was amazed by the appearance in his back's appearance and shape, remarking: "You can see my neck! I thought I'd lost my neck!"


Max's Comments

"Over the years, I've seen chiropractors and sports therapists. They'd relieve it temporarily, but I always wondered if there was a better solution.

"I would recommend coming to Scoliosis SOS for a diagnosis - you'll be treated with respect and courtesy, and given a lot of hope and a lot of inspiration. It's a very honest diagnosis, and I came away thinking, yes, I really can  improve my condition.

"The team here are excellent - they empowered me. I've been shown the skills, and now I can go home and do things on my own. You're given control; I feel like I've got control over my own health that I didn't have before."

Would you like to learn more about the Scoliosis SOS Clinic? Use the links below to find out how much improvement you could make with ScolioGold therapy.

What is ScolioGold?   Book a Consultation


Scoliosis Treatment Group

Improve Your Flexibility

If you suffer from scoliosis, there's a good chance that you will experience a loss of flexibility as your spinal curvature progresses. This can impact your ability to move around and go about your daily routine; it can also adversely impact your performance if you participate in sports or other physical activities like dancing.

Unfortunately, spinal fusion surgery - the standard treatment for severe scoliosis in most territories - can itself cause a loss of flexibility, and so it's easy for scoliosis patients to feel like they can't win either way. Surgery involves the insertion of numerous rods into the site of the curve, followed by the application of a bone graft that eventually fuses with the spine; this procedure is often very effective, and it has enabled countless scoliosis sufferers to enjoy a better overall quality of life, but from a flexibility standpoint it's far from ideal.

But as we've seen time and again here at the Scoliosis SOS Clinic, it is possible for scoliosis patients to regain their flexibility and continue taking part in the activities they love.

Improving your flexibility through exercise

Certain stretches and exercises can have a very positive effect on scoliosis and the problematic symptoms that patients commonly experience. ScolioGold, the combination of non-surgical treatment methods that the Scoliosis SOS team use to treat people with curved spines, is primarily exercise-based, and it has proven incredibly effective when it comes to:

Visit our Results page to see before-and-after photos that demonstrate how effective ScolioGold treatment can be, or watch some of our patient experience videos to find out what some of our previous patients had to say post-treatment.

Which exercises should I try?

Every case of scoliosis is unique, and we strongly recommend that you attend an initial consultation so that we can assess your condition and recommend the best course of action for you.

However, if you are looking for some exercises that you can perform at home today, try the following links:

You may also wish to read our guide to Scoliosis Exercises to Avoid in order to make yourself aware of what stretches/exercises risk making your condition worse.

Whether you're struggling with scoliosis or recovering after a spinal fusion procedure, Scoliosis SOS can help you to regain your flexibility and move around more easily. Click here to see upcoming treatment course dates, or get in touch now to arrange an initial consultation.

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